Tag Archive for: personal branding

Do potential clients have trouble seeing you as a credible coach, consultant or Subject Matter Expert? 

This article explores how to develop a strong personal brand that builds trust and attracts your ideal clients.

Crafting an impressive brand starts with getting clarity on who you are and what is your competitive difference:

  1. Identify your niche. Get ultra clear on the specific problem you solve and audience you serve. Your brand must appeal directly to this niche. Think psychographics not just demographics!
  2. Define your key transformation. Boil down the core result clients get from your coaching into a simple compelling ultimate promise statement. You might have multiple promises, but there is a way to package many ideas into one core message (check out the Impact Alchemy).
  3. Unearth your origin story. Outline your background and life journey to show what shaped your expertise, gifts, strengths and purpose. Storytelling builds rapport and buy in!
  4. Determine your ideal visual identity. Work with a visual branding agency to select colours, fonts, and imagery that reflect your authentic personality but still resonates with your niche clients.
  5. Develop polished brand assets. Your ideal clients are being trained in what to expect visually from every company they shop with – think Zomp, Witchery, Canva, Scratch pet Food, just as afew examples of beautiful brands. If you want to attract your high value clients your visual identity needs to meet them where they’re at with  pro graphics for your logo, website, social media, and marketing materials. Align your look and feel.
  6. Show your personality in your messaging. Infuse your communications with your authentic human voice, inspiring passion, and humour that makes you relatable. Avoid corporate jargon.Nust be yourself – but nice like!
  7. Spotlight client success stories. Gather testimonials from ideal clients who’ve achieved incredible transformations through your consulting. Build trust by showing people who have the same problems and the path they walked to the solution.

With clarity on your niche, offer, story, and visual identity, you can develop a strong personal brand as a coach, consultant or SME. A polished, targeted brand attracts your perfect clients, allowing you to confidently embody and amplify your impact. Nothing like seeing yourself looking killer on your own website, to make you say “dammmn I do know what i’m talking about don’t I!?”

Are you an expert in your field but aren’t sure how to stand out as a thought leader? 

This post looks at how high-level leadership training can help coaches, consultants and Subject Matter Experts (SME) establish strong personal brands and amplify their impact.

Becoming recognized as a thought leader starts with packaging your expertise into a proven leadership framework. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Identify your Zone of Genius or Unique Contribution. What perspectives, methods, or innovations do you have that others lack? (Having super clarity on what your ideal clients have tried before to solve their problems will help with this!) Get ultra clear on your core message.
  2. Systematize your approach. Synthesise your tactics into a step-by-step leadership training program or a signature framework. Outline your methodology and sequence. Have a visual sales framework to articulate and communicate your value.
  3. Invest in powerful branding. Develop a professional brand identity that instills confidence in your expertise. Match the quality of your image to your price point.
  4. Perfect your positioning. Differentiate yourself from the competition by promoting the specific transformations clients achieve through your leadership training or signature framework.
  5. Create authoritative content. Regularly share blogs, videos, social content and talks centred around your expertise. Provide value and showcase your thought leadership.
  6. Leverage speaking opportunities. Establish credibility through speaking engagements and podcast interviews focused on your niche. Highlight client success stories.
  7. Promote your program or framework. If you’re a coach, run offers, launch sequences, and events to sell your leadership training. If you’re a SME or consultant – develop a strong LinkedIn Reach out strategy to consistently build connections. Enrol initial clients, gather testimonials, and refine based on feedback.

With persistence and consistency, you can cement your status as an industry thought leader and amplify your impact. When you own your expertise, you gain the power to influence change and build a purposeful business, and build a work life around your life’s work!