Tag Archive for: core benefit statement

Attention future thought leader! (Yeah, I’m talking to you)

Catch yourself daydreaming lately? Maybe you’re sipping on a cheeky glass of wine, lost in thought about your entrepreneurial journey. You’ve built something pretty fab, right? But here’s the kicker – have you realised that YOU are so much more than just your business?

I mean you beautiful people who’ve poured your heart and soul into creating a killer brand for your business. You’ve got the snazzy logo, the slick website, the whole shebang. But in the process, something magical happened – you grew. 

Maybe you’ve outgrown your business a bit. Or maybe there’s this little voice inside whispering, ‘What if…?’ What if you could teach others your secrets? What if you could be known as the genius entrepreneur behind the business, not just as ‘the owner of XYZ company’?

If you’re nodding along, thinking, ‘Damn, Kath’s reading my mind,’ then stick around. We might just be onto something here!

It might be time to consider a personal brand!

Now, before you roll your eyes and think ‘Ugh, not another thing I need to do,’ hear me out. 

Your personal brand isn’t about slapping your face on a billboard or becoming an Instagram influencer (unless that’s your jam, of course). It’s about owning your unique contribution to the world. It’s about stepping out from behind your business logo and saying, ‘Hey world, this is me, and this is what I bring to the table.’

Why bother? Well, let me ask you this:

• Ever dreamed of writing a book?

• Fancy yourself on stage, inspiring others?

• Think you could nail it as a consultant or coach?

• Got knowledge that could help others crush it in business?


That brilliant brain of yours? It’s packed with wisdom that others would pay good money to access. But they can’t buy what they don’t know exists. That’s where your personal brand comes in.


How to Get Started on Your Personal Brand

Well, that’s where my Impact Alchemy comes in. It’s like a deep dive into your professional soul, uncovering the gold that makes you, well, you. We’re talking about unearthing your zone of genius, folks.

From there, we craft your Impact Codes – your unique framework that turns your expertise into something your ideal clients can’t resist. It’s like bottling your brilliance.

The best part? This becomes the cornerstone of your content strategy. No more staring at a blank screen wondering what to post on social media or send in your newsletters. Your Impact Codes do the heavy lifting for you.

Building a personal brand isn’t about ego. It’s about impact. It’s about stepping into your power and owning the change you want to see in the world. It’s about creating a legacy that goes beyond your business.

So, if you’re feeling that itch to do more, be more, impact more – let’s chat. Your personal brand journey is waiting, and trust me, it’s one hell of a ride.

Remember, the world needs your unique contribution. Don’t keep it hidden behind a business logo. It’s time to unleash your genius.

I have only ever known entrepreneurship. I was born into a family full of people who work for themselves and are fairly happy to take risks. As such, I too ended up working for myself most of my life (except for a 10-year career in TV production – which is kind of like working for yourself).

I absolutely knew I was making this choice because I didn’t want to have to fit in. I’m not very good at not being fully self-expressed or wearing a mask. Whilst I have always thought of myself as pretty darn lucky, even courageous, deep down I don’t think it’s entirely true.

I am not lucky; I made a choice to avoid environments where I would have to wear a mask.

The fact that I have avoided workplaces like this sounds smart, but in fact, in many ways, it has held back my success.

I told myself stories that I wasn’t smart enough to work in corporate, or that I wouldn’t understand the language they talked.

I was SURE that I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut if I didn’t agree with something, not swear, or at the very least would struggle with the pace things move (which is not fast enough for my liking!)

So all these ideas I had held me back from believing that the quality of my work could possibly belong in the big mysterious world of corporate!

When the Universe Decides to Give You a Nudge (or a Shove)

At the start of 2023, I had developed the Impact Alchemy, and had at least 10 women who had worked in corporate before through the program.

My dream was to get this program into corporate spaces because I knew that was where this work (of owning your uniqueness to amplify your impact) would have the greatest pay-off. I could make real change there.

But my stories were holding me back. My stories about how I talked too much, I wasn’t refined enough, I didn’t know the right vocab…

All things that no doubt I was told throughout my life because whatever I was doing didn’t suit someone else at the time!

But I held on to the dream, of someday – somehow – I would find a way to fit into the corporate space and be courageous enough to call myself a leadership trainer in the corporate space.

With this vision, the universe supported me, and I was nominated in the Future Women member group of over 24,000 women working in organisations, not small business, to do a talk at their 2023 Leadership Summit.

It was a 10-minute Lightning Talk.

I was freaking out but so proud of myself. I knew this was the start of overcoming this imposter syndrome I had been experiencing.

But the universe really wanted to make sure I wanted it, so I broke my wrist a week earlier. I was still pretty drugged up, unable to use my left arm, but I pushed through the flight, suitcases, dressing myself, using MacGyver-like contraptions to do up my bra!

Rocking It with a Broken Wrist: Because Why Not?

I got on the stage and absolutely rocked it. Among the incredible company on the stage, most of the speeches were more formal and serious. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to compete with stats and political views, so I claimed my space as an intuitive, unique, entertaining, funny, expressive performer. And I inspired the fuck out of 250 women and men in the room.

That 10 mins made so much of an impression I was interviewed by Sally and Tarang of Future Women the next day on their podcast.

I was right. Owning my uniqueness amplified my impact. I stood out like a dog’s dinner in that room.

I was also right that by leaning into the discomfort, it was the start of something.

Since this interview, I have been asked twice to speak at the Australian Hotels Association (a connection I made in the room in Sydney). I have spoken on uniqueness on at least 3 stages since for local councils, other people’s platforms etc.

But I was doing that stuff before the Lightning Talk.

What I wasn’t doing, and what I am super excited to be trusted with…

From Outsider to Corporate Leadership Trainer

I am now officially a leadership trainer – with one of the most unique programs for Corporate women – working with a pioneering energy company in Victoria, to take 15 of their leaders through the Impact Alchemy. With the view to do another 35 in the new year!



The. end.

Are you feeling the tug of ambition, dreaming of transitioning from the security of full-time work to the exhilarating realm of consultancy in your SME field? 

Or perhaps you’re yearning to raise your profile, standing out as an authority in your industry? 

As the humdrum of full-time work whispers a yearning for something more, the prospect of consultancy shimmers on the horizon. 

That’s great. 

So how do you get yourself out there? 

How do you start fine-tuning what you do? 

What is a Position Statement?

Picture this – you’re at a networking event, and someone asks you what you do. Do you have an answer that goes beyond the surface? Crafting a positioning statement is not just about creating a tagline; it’s about expressing YOU. Your brand’s heartbeat.

A powerful position statement captures who you are, what you offer, and why it’s irresistible. It’s not just a marketing spiel; it’s the essence of your brand woven into a few impactful sentences.

Where to start?

Before we dive into crafting your perfect position statement, let’s tap into your unique story – the experiences, passions, and perspectives that define you. This isn’t just about consultancy; it’s about illuminating the essence of who you are. If you’ve worked with me before, you’d have heard of my Origin Story Technique or my Impact Alchemy. It’s where personal brand meets strategy. Together we’ll draw out your unique story,  a narrative that resonates with authenticity, setting the stage for your consultancy brand.

Who do I start with? 

To capture your perfect audience you need to speak to them directly. Picture your ideal client. What challenges do they face? How can your consultancy alleviate their pain points? Your position statement should be tailored to resonate with their exact needs.

How do I solve their problem?

To shine the light on why you’re the solution to their problems, you need to understand exactly how you solve them. Begin by narrowing down your expertise. What makes you stand out in your SME field? What’s your competitive advantage? What makes you, you? And how does that answer their pain point? Identify what makes you unique and see your true value. Be seen and understood for who you truly are.

When do I own it? 

When you understand your value. Your unique value is in the way you  articulate your legacy, bigger mission, or purpose. When you embody what it feels like to be a leader on your own terms – in your own skin; in your own words; and derived from your own greatness. If you need help with this, I created Sprint Offerings – a blend of done-with-you and done-for-you services to kick start you embodying your true self. 

How to refine it?

After you’ve delved deep and unearth and articulate your unique contribution, rework it until it’s short, impactful, and to the point. Aim for one to three sentences or phrases; clarity resonates better than complexity.

Here’s some short, snappy examples that stick: 

  • We solve business problems by looking at your humans first (HR company)
  • I empower companies to integrate sustainable holistic healthcare frameworks by commercialising the outcomes. (Medical SME Consultant for Cruise Companies)
  • I give women the tools to liberate themselves into money freedom, and build a financial legacy. (Financial Liberation Coach).


 A powerful position statement isn’t truly powerful until you’ve truly stepped into it. Go out and live it. Show up more. Do more. Be more impactful. 

If you need help, let’s work together using my unique Impact Alchemy process. With proven results my process uncovers your unique contribution as a an expansive living leader. Step out of the vicious cycle of self-doubt and personal development, and step into your uniqueness.

Are you ready to build a work-life around your life’s work? Let’s go.