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6 Steps to Creating a Service-Based Business That’s Authentically You (And Wildly Successful)

So, you’ve decided to dive into the exciting (and occasionally terrifying) world of coaching, consulting, or service-based business. Kudos to you! But let’s be real – without a solid game plan, this journey can feel like trying to navigate a corn maze blindfolded. That’s why I’m here to share my tried-and-true roadmap for building a business that’s not just successful, but authentically, undeniably you.

Step 1: Unearth Your Unique Contribution

Before you even think about logos or websites, we need to dig deep and uncover your zone of genius. What makes you, well, you? This isn’t about what services you offer – it’s about the transformation you bring to your clients’ lives. It’s about finding that special sauce that makes you irreplaceable. Trust me, once you nail this, everything else falls into place.

Step 2: Turn Your Experiences into Intellectual Gold

You’ve lived a life full of experiences, overcome challenges, and gained wisdom. Now it’s time to turn all of that into your intellectual property. This is where we take your unique perspective and package it into something tangible. Think of it as distilling your genius into a form that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

Step 3: Craft a Visual Identity That Screams ‘You’

Now that we know who you are and what you bring to the table, it’s time to show the world. Your visual identity is more than just a pretty logo – it’s the visual representation of your brand’s soul. From your colour palette to your font choices, every element should reflect the essence of your unique contribution. Let’s create a brand that’s so you, it practically winks at your ideal clients.

Step 4: Build a Website That Converts (and Looks Damn Good Doing It)

Your website is your digital home, and we want it to be as welcoming and impactful as possible. This isn’t just about slapping up some nice pictures and a contact form. We’re crafting a digital experience that guides your visitors on a journey, showcases your unique value, and turns casual browsers into loyal clients.

Step 5: Become Omnipresent (In a Non-Creepy Way)

A fantastic website is great, but it won’t do much if no one sees it. This is where we turn you into the coach that’s everywhere your ideal clients are looking. We’ll create a social media strategy that amplifies your voice, leverage video content to build trust, and sprinkle in some SEO magic to make sure you’re showing up in all the right places.

Step 6: Nurture Your Tribe

You’ve attracted an audience – awesome! Now let’s turn them into raving fans. This step is all about building relationships and providing consistent value. We’ll set up a system to stay in touch, share your wisdom, and keep your audience engaged. Remember, a nurtured lead today could be your dream client tomorrow.

By following these six steps, you’re not just creating a business – you’re building a brand that’s an authentic extension of you. A brand that stands out, attracts your ideal clients, and makes a real impact in the world.

The business & career landscape has shifted and there’s fertile ground for change, so it’s time to action those bold moves you’ve been thinking about! You know what you’re made from… let’s get it out there!

In the Impact Alchemy, Kath – an intuitive Personal Brand Strategist – will unearth your unique contribution and alchemise it into the gold you’ll be remembered for. Let’s align your personal brand to the legacy you want to leave, and build a work-life around your life's work!

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