Right now, there is an unprecedented opportunity to take your power back.

The world has gone through a collective and simultaneous hurtling of all their playing cards in the air. The game rules you might’ve been adhering to are now no longer relevant or even available to you.

Perhaps you made the choice not to catch that card and put it into play again. Or perhaps the other player decided it was outdated, and took it off the table.  Either way, the game has changed, and there are opportunities everywhere – if you choose to see them.

Seeing them takes awareness on a heightened level. It takes viewing change through the lens of life happening FOR you, not TO you.

Ask yourself “if this change was happening FOR me, what are the opportunities here?” Share on X

The kicking and screaming will come from those who thought that the game you were playing had a conclusive ending. For them there will be grief, toxicity, blame, shame, guilt – all of the emotions. Their projections needn’t impact you showing up in your empowerment.

For you, beautiful unique woman of flex, empathy and love, using this framing question as an approach to life will gift you an endless reservoir of opportunity.

EVEN when the “happening TO me” crowd is throwing all their toys out of the pram – straight at you – all you will see is opportunity.

So how do you re-orient your life and career around opportunity rather than consequence? Share on X

Stop: judgement, blame, theorising, accusations…just stop.
Surrender: understand you can only change your reaction and how it all makes you feel.
Choose: see how this is working FOR you rather than against you
Be led: imagine the opportunity as a thread of string in front of you… let your curiosity and intuition follow it by asking yourself ‘if this was an opportunity where would it take me next’.
Keep opening: don’t stop at the first destination or awareness that presents itself on that string, open up more – when you see the first opportunity, re-orient again by asking “so if I had that opportunity then where would we go?”
Gather: all the gold in that line of curious and intuitive thought.
Alchemise: bring the gold back to your conscious mind and alchemise it into a new form
Reassess: now take another look at the orientation of your situation, and see if it feels more open and expansive!

I bet it does! I bet there are powerful opportunities EVERYWHERE right in front of you!

Things look different depending on what lens you view them through. It’s not about “doing it the right way” according to the rules that were set up in a game that is no longer relevant to you.

It’s about constant reorientation to your life principles. Share on X

That is how you show up in your unique contribution every day, and make the impact you’re here to make.

Make it your only commitment, to generate from your contribution principles every day, in every moment and the outcome is always positive impact.

That in fact, is the only foregone conclusion.